Rest assured


Protect your customers from phishing attacks and protect your brand.

Phishing continues to be the most prevalent cyber threat

Phishing attacks continue to be a primary threat vector affecting organizations that have a significant online presence, including banks, logistics and distribution firms, eCommerce platforms, and government agencies. 

These companies and their customers are frequently targeted by a range of phishing campaigns, which are increasingly becoming more sophisticated which can be time-consuming and troublesome for organizations to track and take action on.

What we provide

Our anti-phishing solution: PhishDB

CSIS Anti-Phishing proprietary solution called PhishDB is fully automated and focused on several aspects:

  • Automated monitoring and identification of phishing websites
  • Fully automated takedown process
  • Integration with malicious sites collections including Google Safe Browsing and APWG
  • Abuse mailbox parsing and API for URL submission
Technology and security
Service description

24/7 automated phishing defense: from detection to takedown

With comprehensive fully automated approach for the entire phishing life cycle, from the earliest stages of an attack to the removal of phishing websites - CSIS Platform providing continues 24x7 monitoring, identification and takedown of phishing web-sites.

Key features of the platform and the service include:

  • Fully automated and accurate identification of content scrapes
  • Fully automated takedown request system
  • Screenshots and source code of every content scrape
  • Redirection relationship and campaign mapping
  • Intelligence provider partnerships for comprehensive view of phishing campaigns
  • Internet Service Provider partnerships for faster takedowns – requests sent directly to abuse teams
  • To protect users, malicious URLs pushed to dangerous site lists, including Google Safe Browsing and APWG


24/7 Automated Protection
A fully automated approach ensures that active phishing pages never sit around waiting for manual human review. Our system operates around the clock to identify malicious phishing pages and sends takedown requests day and night.
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Faster Takedowns
Continuous lifecycle monitoring combined with our automated takedown engine identifies malicious phishing pages quickly, resulting in faster takedown requests. This approach is aimed at reducing overall phishing site lifespan to mitigate losses, saving you time and money.
Holistic Visibility
Our Threat Intelligence Portal provides a clear overview of all relevant phishing statistics, campaigns, and active URLs to give you the entire picture of the current and historical phishing threat level affecting your brands.
Full Redirection Tree Tracking
The platform performs full redirection tree tracking to monitor individual redirection sources and targets of every individual page within a campaign, allowing us to provide you with a top-down campaign view, including all sub-pages and redirectors related to a specific phishing incident.

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Rest Assured.

We are the leader in actionable and intelligence-driven detection and response services.